Friday 22 April 2011

Mexican Pointy Boots

Fashion is a wild thing.

Here are Mexican pointy boots, hand made bespoke boots that have become a status symbol as they become longer and more elaborate. They are worn by dance troupes and men who are into tribal music by DJ Erick Rincon.


  1. LOVE the pride in their pointy boots.

  2. in the mid 80's there was a shoe shop in Bristol called boney maroney and they sold pointy shoes! However the points were never as long as these - it looks like mammoth tusks or wild boar! Love it!

  3. In the 80's I owned very pointy yellow boots. I wore them out as a student and wish I had kept them as a future museum piece!

  4. For me it is the passion that they hold on in all the tradition. I really appreciate them.
