Above: Angela Logan in new New York wardrobe, you could try this technique with cut out fashion illustrations (it's great fun!)

Above: New York Dress with unknown (lovely) model

Above and below,
Paris Map Clothes (made by Hazel Terry)

London (origami clothes made from maps)

A 'fashion week' is a fashion industry event lasting approximately one week that enables designers, fashion houses and brands to display their latest creations. The most prominent fashion weeks are held in the fashion capitals of :
New York,
Milan and
Paris. The annual events kick off in New York with the other cities hosting their events in the order given. Fashion weeks are semiannual events, January through to April the designers release their autumn / winter collections. September through to November they show their spring/summer collections. There are other fashion weeks in other cities where designers showcase specific garment collections such as swimwear. Also designers put on independent events outside of the traditional seasons.
Lol! Fife to NYC and back via the bus station. Fab